Tuesday 18 November 2008

What an odd concoction. The gazeteer at the end of Vol. 2 suggested that Moore was tired of the whole Victorian secret history adventures format and possibly wanted to apotheosise the cast and be done with the League. Instead, a sequel, where a randy, rejuvenated Mina and Alan run around some sort of post-Big Brother England reading about their escapades over the past century in a series of clever pastiches (of Shakespeare, Wodehouse and the Beats amongst others) and finally escape to a kind of metafictional paradise, The Blazing World.
Cripes, it's weird. At least Mr. Moore seems as jaundiced about doubleoh seven and his thuggish ways as I am. And possibly it requires a kind of genius to re-invent Billy Bunter, the owl of Greyfriars, as a rather pathetic old figure of tragedy.

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